New Academia: An International Journal of English Language, Literature and Literary Theory (Print ISSN 2277-3967) (Online ISSN 2347-2073
Volume VI Issue I Jan. 2017
(Peer reviewed and Refereed UGC Journal. No. 44829)
Editor: Sachin Londhe
1. A Gasstronomical Idea Brought to Life: The Wife as a Person in Willie Masters’ Lonesome Wife
Dr. Allison M. Pattison
2. Fear—A Positive Potential: Classic Explanation And New Elucidation
Shamaila Dodhy
3. Diasporic Sensibility in Jhumpa Lahiri’s ‘When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine’
Dr. Dhanesh Mohan Bartwal
Angel Elizabeth Sebastian
5. The Roots of Religious Intolerance: A Select Study of the Indian Novels
Dr. V. Pala Prasada Rao
6. The Implication of Memory in Folklore: A Study Through the Context of ‘Vratkathas’
Soumili Mondal
7. Panopticon, Spectacle, and Identity in Nights at the Circus
Lauren McKean
8. Political Violence and Aggression in the Plays of Edward Bond: A Critical Analysis
Dr. A. Baburajan
Dr. J.Ravindranath
Manusmriti Sharma
Dr.Sanjay Kumar
Stuti Sharma
12. A Study of L2 Implicit Knowledge of UG and PG students of Shivaji and Solapur Universities
Sachin V. Londhe
Dr. A.M. Sarawade
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Index Copernicus Value 45.37 (2015)